Membership Benefits

A Therapist Connection membership provides: 

  • Continuing Education and Professional Development

  • Networking and Socials to foster community and build your Practice 

  • Peer Consultation

  • Access to List Serve Emails for Referral Requests, Information, and Advocacy for our Professions 


1.5 CEU meetings are held the 3rd Friday of each month (except July and December) from 11am-1pm at the Georgetown Public Library, Room 211. Bring your lunch, or a snack if you like. We strive to provide relevant applicable clinically based continuing education.


Our biannual socials are fun, connecting experiences with opportunities to network with other local therapists and build your referral lists.

Purchase a Therapist Connection Membership

Enjoy the benefits of membership for a full calendar year.

To purchase a membership:

1) submit the form below and in the "message" box let us know your business name, website and what ages and populations you work with.

2) purchase a professional or student membership. All major credit cards are accepted.